Friday, November 13, 2009

Is Your New Mr Or Mrs Right Honestly Compatible With You?

Hopefully, you've had a few delicious dates with your new Mr or Mrs Right in your life. You feel you've found someone special and you believe this one could be the one and you're in dreamland. Now my question is, are you really compatible, or do you think you could be compatible? Have you truly satisfied yourself that you both have a lot in common on a number of different levels. If not, each of you could find yourselves in different parts of the compatible jungle (so to speak) and while thinking your on the same page with your dreamland opposite, you find when later, when its too late that in fact your not even in the same book.

Oh, but opposites attract, so some people say! But then there are people who say smoking doesn't damage your health but we all know the truth. Yes sometimes opposites so attract, but both parties to a relationship of opposites still need a lot in common, a number of shared interests, values, goals and ambitions that they can aspire to, embrace and celebrate together. Otherwise, they're not going to make it to Edward and Mrs Simpson (in reference to King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom, who gave up his throne to marry the twice-divorced American Wallis Simpson). In essence, being compatible means that you naturally tend to get on with each other. Although you may be very different, you both have similar or interrelated aims in life, the same outlooks towards life.

No matter how good the chemistry is between you, you'll find soon enough if you're hopelessly incompatible. If you cannot agree where to go, how to get there and what's going down when you arrive, it's clear you won't be together after a brief period of infatuation. Most couples discover within a few months if they are reasonably compatible, but for some it take years, to discover if you're compatible enough to build a permanent future together. Some end up just accepting that what they have is not what they want but giving up on caring or searching for something better. Well that be a good attitude when buying a car but where talking of a life partner here, do you really want second best, "it'll do type of partner"?.

Be careful here, though. On the one hand, we need to establish quickly and efficiently whether or not your new partner will shape up. On the other, we need to proceed carefully, so as not to appear obvious, pushy, or agenda-orientated. The last thing you want to do is to drive your new partner away through over-enthusiasm. Men more than women are generally scared of an over enthusiastic woman, this is due to a woman being more open with there emotional feelings. There is nothing wrong with this, its just that men take a little more time to catch up. But for women and as well as men its extremely important to exercise restraint when sharing your hopes and dreams of a future together with the one you want. Neither person should push the relationship along, it should be driven more naturally than by force. So just be aware all relationships, during the delicate early stages - typically three weeks to six months are on an emotional tight-rope, trying to keep a good balance between family, friends, work and each-other. You can't afford to allow yourself to be side-tracked down an emotional cul-de-sac by proceeding too cautiously, but you don't want your lover to do a runner because he or she feels pressurized and overwhelmed by you.

Back to compatibility subject, its said that most of us have cultural beliefs and values, even if we aren't necessarily conscious of them. We tend to feel comfortable with people whose views correspond very much with our own. Compatibility is firmly connected with past experiences and future expectations (as a result of our past experiences and up-bringing determines the way in which we conduct our relationships and ultimately our desires for the future.) Being comfortable with someone first is a must. It is this positive identification with someone that makes us feel relaxed and of which sets the scene for compatibility. . That said, two people could still be compatible although their origins and life experiences would appear to set them apart. Cultural differences can be overcome if there is a true understanding of these differences and a genuine desire and attraction to make things work.

The perceived wisdom of thousands, upon thousands of relationship books (I do not exaggerate) would seem to suggest there are certain key elements related to people's backgrounds that presuppose they are more likely to be compatible with some people rather than others. For instance, if you are courting someone of approximately the same age from a similar social, ethnic, religious and educational background, you are more likely to have the appropriate mix of characteristics that could combine to build long-term durability into a relationship. But these characteristics are by no means the only indicators of probable compatibility. Other factors that can greatly influence the overall balance of harmony in a relationship include variable determinants like personal development and the study of how meaningful relationships work, along with the degree of conviction each partner holds that this relationship should be made to flourish and prosper.

Without doubt, the least visible and most critical aspects of compatibility to pinpoint and assess are the private dreams and expectations of each partner, because these are often held close to the heart. Some couples whose marriages collapse or whose relationships fall apart have been together for ages, without ever coming clean and discussing with each other their private dreams and expectations of life together. Honest communication with each is a very important key component.

Other classic compatibility problems that crop up repeatedly in relationship counselling include significant age differences between partners, long-distance romances and widely differing social, ethnic, religious or educational backgrounds between the parties. Instead of cautioning you, I propose to encourage you to concentrate on your strengths-those aspects of compatibility that excite you and unite you. In all the compatibility complexity there are some people who crave for the opposite, who are excited by the differences, but this is just a few and of this few, not many succeed long term.

So most importantly you must be certain that you are not kidding yourself about what you do and do not have in common with your new partner. In order to find out how much real compatibility you enjoy in the relationship already, I want you to consider the following, ticking the appropriate boxes to indicate either a 'Yes' answer or a known area of compatibility that exists between you.

I realize that you may have been dating for only a short period and some of the questions will strike you as premature at this early stage in the relationship. Simply skip those questions. Different relationships gain momentum at different paces, these questions will give you food for thought.

Compatibility confirmations

1) Are you of the same social/ethnic background?

2) Do you belong to the same religious background?

3) Do you come from the same educational background?

4) Is the age difference less than five years?

5) Do you live less than three hours travelling time (door-to-door) away from each other?

6) Do you enjoy each others choice of restaurants, music, entertainment, etc?

7) Do you share similar dreams, goals and ambitions? Can you make each other laugh?

8) Are you at the same stage in your lives in terms of wanting to settle down?

9) Do you appreciate each other's attitude to life in general?

10) Can you handle each other's moods?

11) Do you naturally gel together (most of the time)?

12) If you have routine chores, are you happy with the way you split your chores?

13) Do you agree about having/not having children in the future?

14) Are you naturally supportive of each other?

15) Do you have a basis for believing that you might have a future together? What are the reasons?

16) Do you tell each other the truth (exuding innocent little white lies)?

17) Do you enjoy a good level of communication with each other most of the time?

18) Do you have a workable mechanism for solving problems and resolving arguments? How easy are they solved?

19) Do you both feel the need to put things right fast after an almighty ding-dong?

20) Is each of you happy with the way the other handles their financial affairs?

21) Do you have, or do you believe you will have, a satisfying sex life?

22) Can you confirm that you are not hiding something important from your partner?

23) Do you both feel able to discuss your innermost thoughts, desires and ambitions?

24) Are you affectionate towards each other?

25) Do you enjoy lengthy, lazy, talkative meals at home with each other?

26) Do you indulge your partner with impromptu treats or surprises?

27) Are you both sure that each of you wants a meaningful, long-term relationship?

28) Do you agree, or, if it is premature to ask, are you are likely to agree on family matters, etc?

29) Do you have any special hobbies or pastimes you enjoy participating in together?

30) Are you each comfortable with the way the other looks, dresses, talks and touches you?

31) Do you both put time and effort into keeping the relationship fresh and exciting?

32) Do you get on well with each other's relatives, friends and children (if applicable)?

33) Do you feel that there is a healthy, reasonably equal balance of power in the relationship?

Now, before reading on, I want you to list, in order of importance to you personally, the six most significant things you have in common with your new partner.

Did you find it easy to write down six? Could you readily have included more? Good! Things are going in the right direction. Or did you find it difficult? If you had to struggle to find six, I think you'll know that it's not good news. Perhaps it's time for a rethink, well in-fact do you really need to think. Don't spend your time wishing that it'll change for the better, life is too short. Don't live your life unhappy!! Yes, the sex is great! But it's not enough for you to stay... Be warned lust and infatuation does not make a relationship. Lust does not last forever. Enjoy what you're getting if that's what you want but don't fool yourself into thinking you're having a relationship in the proper sense of the word. Keep your brain clear, don't become blind from seeing the imperfections in your relationship.

I am not saying it's easy to back off, sometimes it's the hardest thing to do. You may feel that this person has enough to offer to justify you taking a risk and that if you give him/her up there may be no one else who can offer you better. Should you decide to go ahead against the signals, should you decide to except second best, go against the advice I have given then I genuinely wish you luck and happiness, but be aware that the chances are you'll break up in due course and when it happens, then someone's heart will be broken. I hope its not yours. Live life and be happy.

Help For Women in Love With Men Who Can't Commit - Simple Ways to Get a Man to Marry You

There are plenty of stories of men who can't commit. If you are in love with a guy like this, chances are you might be waiting 5-7 years before he can pop the question. Why does he want to wait so long? All you want is the piece of mind, knowing he will be with you for the rest of your life. This is not too much to ask is it?

I am going to teach you why men can't commit and how to make them.

Some guys are afraid because they don't want to be hurt. Other men are afraid that they will lose all their freedom. All of this comes, most likely, from their experience with marriage. Think about how your man has been raised. Was he raised in a happy home or were his parents fighting constantly. Was anyone in the relationship suffering and wanted to get out? These questions can help you determine why he's so scared.

Your first step is to seriously talk with him and see his side. Don't be afraid to open a dialogue. If he is so afraid that he breaks up with you, that man was not a good choice for a husband. If you can't communicate, your relationship will never last. Hopefully, he will explain to you some of his fears. Some men are just afraid of paying for a ring and a ceremony. If you really just want to be married, suggest going through a courthouse or picking a cheap ring at the jeweler.

Keeping a relationship healthy and happy takes real work.

Help For Women in Love With Men Who Can't Commit - Simple Ways to Get a Man to Marry You

There are plenty of stories of men who can't commit. If you are in love with a guy like this, chances are you might be waiting 5-7 years before he can pop the question. Why does he want to wait so long? All you want is the piece of mind, knowing he will be with you for the rest of your life. This is not too much to ask is it?

I am going to teach you why men can't commit and how to make them.

Some guys are afraid because they don't want to be hurt. Other men are afraid that they will lose all their freedom. All of this comes, most likely, from their experience with marriage. Think about how your man has been raised. Was he raised in a happy home or were his parents fighting constantly. Was anyone in the relationship suffering and wanted to get out? These questions can help you determine why he's so scared.

Your first step is to seriously talk with him and see his side. Don't be afraid to open a dialogue. If he is so afraid that he breaks up with you, that man was not a good choice for a husband. If you can't communicate, your relationship will never last. Hopefully, he will explain to you some of his fears. Some men are just afraid of paying for a ring and a ceremony. If you really just want to be married, suggest going through a courthouse or picking a cheap ring at the jeweler.

Keeping a relationship healthy and happy takes real work.

How to Know If He's Not the One For You

Are you in a relationship that you feel within you that some things are just not right? Are you confused and need a second opinion to know if he's a marriage material or not? If you answered yes to the questions above then this page is for you as a guide to knowing if he's not the one for you. Listed below are guides to know that he's not the one for you!

1. He has No job: If he's jobless and making no effort to get a good job but he's very comfortable relying on you or his parents for money at all times to keep up with bills and all other stuff, then you should know that he's lazy and not ready to grow up. If he's incapable of supporting himself financially, then certainly he'll not be able to care for someone else.

2. He's a Cheat: If he's the covetous type of man that is never satisfied with one woman; then let go! A cheat is no good at all because he'll continue to play with your emotions and might eventually leave you for someone else. Never waste your time with a cheat because cheating sometimes is like an addiction. It's very had to stop. Once you catch him more than once, LEAVE HIM FOR GOOD! If he values you, he would not gamble with you by cheating on you.

3. Fears Commitment: It is always advisable that you read well between the lines to know the reason why you are starting a relationship. Study him well enough before going head-on into the relationship. Know if he's looking for a serious relationship or a fling. Never be captured by the moment of sweet words because it is better you look before you leap! Imagine being in a committed relationship with someone for more than a year and he's still scared of commitment? He doesn't want you to meet his family, he wants to continue the hide and seek game with you, and he tells you the word marriage scare him or that he doesn't want to discuss marriage or pulls up a fight anytime he hears anything close to commitment. It is an indication that he's not serious with you.

4. Disrespectful: Respect is very essential in any relationship. The feeling that your guy respects you boosts your self worth, it makes you happy and you feel loved. Respect is a good indication that he loves you, honours you, and is concerned about how you feel. It makes the relationship lasts forever. But if he disrespects you by being abusive by words or by being physically abusive and later apologizes but repeats the same thing later, then I'll advise that you are playing with fire!!! He's not the one for you. He doesn't care for you at all; he'll cause you physical and emotional stress. I know you don't want to be with such type of person.

5. Drinks too much: If he's the type that drinks excessively. He drinks to stupor nearly every time and he's never in control whenever he sees beer or any form of alcoholic drink but allow it to take full control of him to the extent that you're very unsettled whenever you're with him and there are alcoholic drinks available.

6. He has a bad Character: Character could either make or break a person. If in his dealings or relationship with people he's very selfish and heartless, LET HIM GO! There is a proverb and that states and I quote 'show me your friend and I'll know the type of person you are". If people continue to see you with him, they'll think you are like him and remember that evil communication corrupt good manners. If he has a bad character to people, he'll surely not be good to you as well.

7. Your Instinct: More than anything, do not contend with your instinct. If you are seeing these red flags as mentioned above and your instinct is also telling you to let go of him, then LET GO! A bad relationship is no worth your time. You don't want to waste your time with someone who is not that into you. DO NOT be clouded by 'love'. Listen and obey your instinct. If your instinct tells you some things are just not right, then it simply means he's not the one for you.

I believe this article is beneficial to you. Every woman deserves the best and the best cannot be quantified. Every woman married or yet to marry seeking a lasting relationship that drives passion, beautiful romance, supportive friendship, intimacy, outrageous fun, personal growth, enhances self-esteem and peace of mind should click here.

How to Get Your Man to Marry You

So, you've been with your man a while now and want to take the next step. You're ready to marry him, but he's not taking any of your hints. Unfortunately, you are one of millions of women the world over who can't get the man they love to commit to marrying them.

For a start, marriage should not become an obsession. There are different levels of commitment. If marrying him is essential for religious reasons then it must have been discussed at some time. He knows your beliefs and ethics, so if he still won't commit it's time to move on. If on the other hand, you just WANT to be married, ask yourself why. Surely the important thing is sharing your life with the one that you love? If you are determined to marry that man of yours, then read on.

The problem is that most women put a time frame on relationships. Everything has to happen by a certain date. They generally allow 2 years from the beginning of the relationship until the diamond ring is on their finger. Men don't think like this. As long as they're happy, they don't care if they're with you for 2 years or 10.

What motivation do they have to marry you? Men are notorious for wanting what they don't have. If you already act like a wife and he has a good life, why waste a fortune on a technicality?

Sit him down and talk calmly and maturely. If this is a long term relationship this shouldn't be a problem. If this is a new relationship, you shouldn't be even considering marriage yet! Find out if marriage may be further down the line, or if he just doesn't want to marry you. If the answer is the latter then you are very unlikely to change his mind without a complete personality and lifestyle makeover.

And Trust me This is the thing YOU want, The experts don't want me to tell you

Keeping a Man Interested in You

Keeping a man interested in you isn't rocket science. A host of blockbuster movies have been made on this very subject. While a lot of them play on the 'treat them mean, keep them keen' theory, in reality it's a lot simpler.

Keeping a man at arms length is the easiest way of keeping them interested. Just ensure that you're not so far out of their reach that they'll just give up and walk away. Resist him yes but still be available. He'll find this intoxicating and his interest won't wane.

The problem a lot of women make is to give themselves completely to their man. Studies show that couple who sleep together early in their relationship, are more likely to break up. This is simply because they haven't built a rapport outside the bedroom first. The attraction should build gradually then, when you finally get between the sheets, fireworks will go off and he'll be hooked.

Don't give in to a man because you think he'll like you more. Nothing could be further from the truth. You've given him everything on a plate and he has nothing else to stick around for. It's his mind that keeps him interested in you, not his body.

To get inside his mind, make him see the values that you possess and his interest in you will multiply. Let him see that you are special and unique. Take things at your pace. If he tries something, pull back, smile and whisper that you're not ready YET. Place a big emphasis on the yet. This will make him constantly think of the pleasures that are to come.

You want to ignite the hunter in him, be responsive yet elusive. Practice these behaviours and he will never lose interest in you.

And Trust me This is the thing YOU want, The experts don't want me to tell you

Get a Commitment - Everything it Takes to Make Him Yours

Do you want to get a commitment, but worry that you will leave him feeling pressured? Are you needing the relationship to move forward, but just aren't sure how to make that happen? Do you want to have him be yours, but just aren't sure how? There are lots of women out there who long for a relationship that includes a man who is committed. However, it isn't always easy to know how to get that commitment without scaring him away. After all you need to make sure that you don't pressure him, but that you still get what you want. Here are the things you need to do to make him yours and to get a commitment without pressuring him into it.

Be confident.
While often easier said then done, confidence is important in gaining a healthy and meaningful relationship. You need to be confident to attract a man in the right way and to get him wanting you for the rest of your life. To build confidence spend time focusing on you. Write down all your positive attributes and meditate on them. Spend some time identifying new things that you like about yourself. Plus you shouldn't be afraid to get some self help books if you need a little added help in the confidence realm.

Meet his needs.
Often figuring out what it is a man needs compared to what we think he needs isn't easy. But you need to make sure you are meeting his needs. This means supporting him in all that he does, being there when he needs you, and being an upbeat and positive person. Also make sure that you have fun when you spend time with him.

Remember that it isn't all about looks.
You are a great person and looks are only a small portion of who you are. You need to remember that this is true in what he needs in a relationship. There are lots of things that he needs from a relationship and it goes far beyond looks.

Keep it interesting.
You also want to make sure that it doesn't get boring too fast and way too quickly. To keep it interesting make sure you try new things, go new places, and learn to do new things. At the same time leave some of you left to get to know. This will give him something to pursue and will keep him interested longer.

By following these four things you will get his interest and get a commitment. It will require that you be confident and build it up if need be. You should also work at meeting his needs while remembering that they go far beyond looks. Finally keep it interesting. Be patient and it won't be long and he will be yours.

Is He Looking For More? Three Signs That Show He Wants a Relationship

Are you one of thousands of women who is asking whether or not the man you are seeing is looking for more? Are you ready to have a relationship, but aren't sure the man in your life is heading in that direction? Are you dying to know if he is going the same direction you are or if you should start looking for a new someone? If you can answer yes or even maybe to any of these questions it is time to start evaluating how things are going with this man. You don't need to waste time if you want a relationship and he doesn't. Use these three signs to show whether or not he wants a relationship and whether or not he is looking for more.

He's the one asking you out.
If you are always the one doing the asking or if you somehow end up going out with no one asking then it is convenience that has you together. This means that you aren't really high on his priority list and it isn't likely that he is looking for something serious and long term with you. On the other hand, if he asks you out then he is showing you that he is interested in what you bring to the table and he desires to spend more time with you. This is definitely a sign he is looking for more.

He seeks you out.
If he seeks you out to spend time with you, calls you, emails you, or texts you then he thinks of you more often then he does a casual friend. This is a good thing and it is likely that he is moving toward a relationship with you. On the other hand if he doesn't care if you spend time together, doesn't seek you out, doesn't call, email, or text then what you have with him isn't moving in the direction of a relationship.

He sees you as more than a booty call.
A lot of men love the idea of having friends with benefits. They often see themselves having these relationships even when the women haven't caught on or haven't been informed. If your time spent together often is based on sex or leads to sex then chances are pretty good you are just a booty call. This is also true if he calls you up just for sex or if he wouldn't spend time with you if you didn't give him sex. This is the easiest way to figure out a guy's intentions. If you are more than a booty call then it is likely that he wants a relationship. If you are just a booty call and you want a relationship then it is time to move on.

These three signs will show whether or not he wants a relationship and if he is looking for more. On the other hand, it will also give you a good idea of whether or not you should be keeping him around. Make sure you are honest in your evaluation and that you follow your instincts about what you should do with the relationship.

Imagine what if you could make any man adore you, chase you, love you, and commit to you?

Will My Boyfriend Ever Marry Me? Signs He'll Commit to You

Will my boyfriend ever marry me is a question many women wish they had an answer to. It's frustrating and saddening to be in love with a man who just won't commit to a more serious relationship. If you are beginning to wonder whether he'll ever take that step with you, take heart. There are subtle signs in a man's behavior that indicate that he does indeed want to get married. If you spot these in your boyfriend, you can rest assured that he's thinking about popping the question.

One of the signs he'll commit to you is very subtle, but also very telling. We all talk about the future and what our hopes and dreams are. Listen carefully to how your boyfriend describes his future. If he speaks in terms of the two of you being together, that's a really promising sign. However, if he uses the words "I" and "me", he may still be stuck in the frame of mind of a single person. If he talks about his future and isn't including you in it, chances are good that he's no where near ready for any sort of commitment with you.

Another of the signs he wants to get more serious with you is he'll start asking for your opinion more and more about important issues in his life. He may want you to tag along when he goes looking for a new apartment or he may discuss with you the merits of taking on a new job. He wants your input because he values you as someone very important to him.

Also, pay close attention to how he handles his own finances. Typically when a man is still entrenched in the dating phase of his life, he spends money without really giving it a lot of thought. However, when a man is starting to think about settling down with the woman he loves, he'll talk more and more about retirement, savings and buying a home, rather than renting. If your guy is doing this he may be on the brink of popping the question.

There are specific things that any woman can say and do that will make her men want to commit to her. If you believe that he is the man you are destined to be with there are things you can do right now that will make him feel exactly the same way about you. For more insight into how to get your man to commit to you, visit this Helpful Site!

You don't have to wait for him to decide whether or not he's ready to commit to you. If you are tired of putting your dreams on hold because he's commitment phobic, there are things you can do to make him want to marry you now.